A quickie

We have a cat, a very bad cranky cat.  He is a Tonkanise variety street cat from Malaysia.  He is not my favorite cat, but he is our cat.  A few weeks ago he and his bad case of pica conspired to try and kill him.  What?  Why?  How?  He got a bad case of string gut.  Yes, it is a thing.  This foul tempered beast lives with a knitter and likes nothing better than to eat hand knit items.  Wool is his preferred snack of choice.  If it is all locked up tight Fort Knox style, he will open dresser drawers and eat sweat socks.

This morning we discovered he had eaten holes in not one, but two, of my daughters hats.  So, today I am knitting up a quickie hat.  Yarn is some KFI Cashereno I have had since Beijing days and pattern is Purl.

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