Finish strong

Expat women have a problem with finishing strong.  This extends to their children who are learning by example.  It is so crazy shocking to me that people check out so early.  People who are moving, like me, but also families that have been here for years and years and will be back again after their summer wherever.
I wish they would eagerly attend all their children's end of year things.  I wish they would have their children attend all their end of year things.  I wish they would buy teacher gifts to actually say thank you.  Or at the very least send a note of thanks, or say thank you in person.  This is an expat thing I find especially shocking as I set out early yesterday to buy my daughter's Girl Scout leader a gift, today I will be going someplace else for a teacher gift and an extra special gift for my daughter's recorder teacher, who she loves, loves, loves.  Does this mean I buy gifts for all her teachers?  No.  Art teacher who isn't an art teacher and second year in a row has 'lost' every single thing my daughter has created in your class?  That guy is getting nothing but a very, very poor review from me.  And that is fine.  but if your child has a good teacher, you should tell them so.
Just because you are an expat with a busy life in the spring, does not excuse being lame.  Finish strong and set a good example for your kids.  I imagine a lot of them walk around slightly embarrassed for their poor behavior.  At least I like to imagine they feel a little bad, when deep down, I know a few don't even realize they have fallen so far off the social norm tree.

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